# Provides a list of valid commands based on the route map.

# Provides a list of valid commands and examples of how to use them

# Show the user agent that your client is sending.

# Returns your current IP address.

# Whois a given domain or IP address.

# Gives wikipedia edit count for a user.

# Determine whether or not a site is up.

# Return the IP or hostname of the given value.

# Show HTTP headers for various conditions.

# Fetch and return all DNS records for a given hostname.

# Roll a die or multiple dice.

# Generate a response with the given status code.

# Generate almost-arbitrarily sized images.

# Returns the name of your ISP, or that of the given IP.

# Left pad a string. As a service.

# Display basic stats for a short url.

# Generate cows and other cow-like things.

# The dual of a short url is a long url. This gets us back to the original URL.

# Shorten your long URLs (/, /s, /shorten).